Static and Cyclical Dents Assessment

Dented pipeline in the field with a ruler showing the depth of the dent

Are Pipeline Dents Causing You Stress?

Mechanical damage can result in immediate pipeline failure — but not always. Dents might be below the failure condition at the time of impact but can grow through cyclic pressure until they become a “delayed threat” to pipeline integrity.


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Example EMAT profile data for crack assessments

Three Levels of Assessment

A three-level assessment provides insight into future integrity and pressure cycling of pipeline dents. We use the in-line inspection (ILI) dent profile and calculated strain to begin the prioritization process. The next step looks at the constraint, acuteness and both static and cyclic loading. If it’s needed, a finite element analysis and fatigue assessment can be conducted.


Setting the Right Priority

We provide everything from a simple priority ranking enabling optimized dent repairs to a full-level analysis for critical dents where accessibility makes repair difficult. Plus, we provide recommendations on future operating conditions.

3D FEA heatmap showing evidence of a dent

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